Your HOA Architectural Review Checklist


Dreaming of a backyard oasis with a sparkling pool and tiki torches? Yearning for a pop of color with a freshly painted door? Don’t grab the paintbrush just yet! If you live in a Denver, Colorado, HOA, transforming your home’s exterior often requires navigating the exciting (and sometimes labyrinthine) world of architectural review. 

Fear not, fellow homeowner! This trusty HOA Architectural review checklist will guide you through the process, ensuring your veranda vision sails smoothly from dream to reality.

Gather Your Gear For The HOA Architectural Committee

Project Proposal: Craft a clear and concise description of your proposed modifications. Sketch a diagram, include material details, and don’t forget photos! Think of it as your architectural pitch deck.

HOA Architectural Guidelines: This holy grail document outlines the community’s aesthetic standards, permitted materials, and even fences you can’t fence with (yes, it’s a thing). Access your guidelines through HOA management resources. Dive deep and become a master of its clauses.

Any Permits or Licensure: Check with your local municipality for any additional permits you may need. Don’t let zoning regulations derail your renovation express!

Submit Your HOA Architectural Request Form

So much about submitting your review is about getting the details right. That’s why a checklist is so helpful and important.

Embrace Transparency

Clearly communicate your project’s purpose, materials, and timeline in your application. Openness builds trust and fosters a smooth review process.

Channel Your Paper Ninja

Master the art of organized documentation. Label drawings, provide accurate measurements, and ensure all necessary permits are attached. Remember, a well-presented application speaks volumes.

The ARC Are Your Collaborators

They’re your partners in maintaining a beautiful and harmonious community. Listen to their suggestions with an open mind and see them as opportunities to refine your vision.

Turn Disagreement into Dialogue

If concerns arise, engage in respectful dialogue. Explain your rationale and seek alternative solutions that address their points while achieving your goals.

Beyond the Bricks

Understanding the Reasons: The ARC’s decisions aren’t arbitrary. They consider factors like maintaining architectural harmony, preventing eyesores, and protecting property values. Knowing their rationale can help bridge the gap between vision and approval.

Neighborly Know-How: Inform your immediate neighbors about your plans. Open communication can foster goodwill and prevent post-approval grumbles.

Celebrate Success: If your project gets the green light, celebrate! Share your architectural victory with your fellow homeowners and bask in the glory of your transformed abode.

Remember, a successful HOA architectural review is a collaborative dance between your dreams and community standards. Follow this checklist, embrace open communication, and watch your home’s potential blossom – one carefully considered paint chip at a time. Now go forth and conquer that architectural review like the veranda visionary you are!

Bonus Tip: Call on Goodwin and Company for HOA Mastery

Imagine your HOA: a haven of architectural beauty, operating with the precision of a Swiss watch. Make it a reality with Goodwin and Company. Our expert team will guide you through every step, ensuring a smooth, stress-free process. Contact us today and unlock the potential of your HOA.

Time is ticking! Don’t let HOA frustrations hold you back from creating the architectural masterpiece your community deserves. Goodwin and Company is your secret weapon. We’ll handle the complexities, leaving you to enjoy a harmonious, thriving HOA. Reach out now!